Accompagnement- Expertise-Engagement

L’Agence Immobilière De Laverne Consulting créée en 2013 vous apporte toute son expertise pour l’estimation, la vente et la recherche de votre bien immobilier.
Nous sommes spécialisés dans la vente de biens immobiliers de qualité sur Paris, le Grand Paris pour le compte d’une clientèle nationale et internationale exigeante.
Chaque demande est traitée de façon unique afin de vous proposer un service haut de gamme et sur mesure.

Notre agence vous accompagnera tout au long du processus de vente, de la signature du mandat de vente à la signature authentique devant notaire.

N’hésitez pas faire appel à nous pour votre prochaine opération immobilière !

Honoraires 2024

Votre médiateur de la consommation - Depuis le 1er janvier 2016, tout consommateur a le droit de recourir gratuitement à un médiateur de la consommation en vue de la résolution amiable d’un litige qui l’oppose à un professionnel.

De Laverne Consulting a choisi MEDIMMOCONSO comme médiateur.

Voici ses coordonnées :


1 Allée du Parc de Mesemena - Bât A - 44505 La Baule

Site : https:/

Do you want to invest in Berlin in 2014 ? (...)

Mars 2014 The real estate market in the German capital remains extremely dynamic and each year attracts a great many national and international investors who purchase properties to rent under a range of formats. Prices are continuing to rise, although the intensity of this increase has decreased somewhat recently, brought about by a significant deficit in the supply of housing in relation to demand. This increase is due in part to a clearly attractive (...) Read more

The property market in Paris and Ile de (...)

Février 2014 Progression of sales and price declines remain moderate ● Number of sales of older housing 35,570 older properties were sold from September to November 2013, an increase of 21%comparedwith the same period in 2012 and 6% compared with 2011. This recovery for (in sales of older properties) has benefited the apartment market (+21% compared with 2012) as much as the house market (+22%). This increase in sales has been witnessed in all (...) Read more

Real estate in Paris and perpectives of (...)

Décembre 2013 According to the Notaries for Paris-Ile-de-France, as at the end of September 2013, prices continue to evolve in Ile-de-France with them falling very slightly over a year. Where do prices stand within Paris itself ? By ’District’ - Half of all Districts registered a fall in prices over the quarter up to the end of September 2013, while 17 Arrondissements saw their prices fall in a year (with the exception of the 1st, 2nd and 5th (...) Read more

Good News in the french Real Estate sector

Septembre 2013 Good news for the French real estate sector - lower property capital gains tax will help stimulate the market. In actual fact, the methods for applying property capital gains tax have changed for sales made after 1 September last year. Since this date, capital gains have in fact been subject to a fixed levy for tax on income earned (impôt sur le revenu) of 19% and 15.5% on social charges (prélèvements sociaux). Allowances are henceforth as (...) Read more

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De Laverne Consulting
4, Place Louis Armand
Tour de l’Horloge

75012 Paris- France

+33 (0)6 78 28 91 66
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